Forcing the Fit and the Ox Herding Pictures are not currently available. The Christian Commentary on the Ten Ox Herding Pictures is included in the book, The Christian Contemplative Journey: Essays on the Path, which can be purchased through Amazon.
Forcing the Fit
Spiral-bound manuscript (2008), 122 pages
Bernadette addresses erroneous interpretations of her work by three authors: A.H. Almaas, James Marion and Jim Arraj. Also included: "A Case of Plagiarism".
To Pay with PayPal, enter into the Send Money field. PayPal will notify me, and then the booklet will be mailed to you. If you would prefer, you can mail a check to Pat Masters, 1101 Prospect Avenue #40, Santa Rosa, CA. In either case be sure I have your mailing address.
PRICE (includes shipping):
$20: within the U.S.
$20 plus shipping for mailing outside the U.S. Shipping costs to be determined.
Forcing the Fit
Spiral-bound manuscript (2008), 122 pages
Bernadette addresses erroneous interpretations of her work by three authors: A.H. Almaas, James Marion and Jim Arraj. Also included: "A Case of Plagiarism".
To Pay with PayPal, enter into the Send Money field. PayPal will notify me, and then the booklet will be mailed to you. If you would prefer, you can mail a check to Pat Masters, 1101 Prospect Avenue #40, Santa Rosa, CA. In either case be sure I have your mailing address.
PRICE (includes shipping):
$20: within the U.S.
$20 plus shipping for mailing outside the U.S. Shipping costs to be determined.
Christian Commentary on
the Ten Ox Herding Pictures
the Ten Ox Herding Pictures
Self-Published booklet, 21 pages

This booklet is a Christian commentary on the Ten Ox Herding Pictures, written at the request of Jeff Shore, a Buddhist friend of Bernadette's. The Commentary is also included in Essays on the Christian Contemplative Journey, which is available on Amazon, as a paperback and in Kindle format.
The cost is $10 in the US and $15-20 outside the US, depending on shipping costs.
To Pay with PayPal, enter into the Send Money field. PayPal will notify me, and then the book or booklet will be mailed to you. If you would prefer and are shipping to within the US, you can mail a check to Pat Masters, 1101 Prospect Avenue #40, Santa Rosa, CA. In either case be sure Patricia has your mailing address.